Wednesday, August 5, 2009

SEO Starts with a Credible Website

Anyone can build a website or a web page but this doesn't mean that the site will ever be seen by anybody besides the author! Say What? Nobody will see it? Why?

The search engines have algorithms that specify how and where a website ranks within the search--if it ranks at all! So, if you build a phenomenal site that is poorly optimized there is a large chance that nobody will see it unless they directly enter the site into the address bar. Even a direct search for a site in Google's search bar will sometimes fail to bring back the results that you are looking for if a site has not been picked up by the search engine.

SEO starts with a credible website and it continues as a daily process in web development and ecommerce from there on out!

So what goes into a credible website?

To have a great and credible website, you must have a good domain name--one that focuses on the depth and the actual meaning of the site!

You also have to have adequate hosting services for the site and the site should be easy to navigate. Too much flash can mutilate a site and reduce credibility for users who may not have the technology to handle massive file sizes during download.

Finally, to build a credible website you have to have a good brand! You must be confident in what you are selling on the site whether it is your services, your clothing, arts and crafts or just your knowledge! Credibility comes with confidence in what you are doing!

SEO Business Solutions offers quality SEO services at competitive market prices! Don't settle for less--the optimization of a site can increase revenue more than 100 times over or it can demolish the credibility of a site in a heartbeat!